Just After Sunset (2008) Overview

Don’t let the sun go down on me I hope they take you away. And as long as I remember how to do it, I’ll keep at it. Stephen King, Just After Sunset‘s introduction It feels like only a recently that King put out his last short story collection. Previously, he averaged about one aContinue reading “Just After Sunset (2008) Overview”

Just After Sunset (2008)

Observations and Connections Presented here, story by story, is a quick review of each, any connections to the wider Stephen King mythos and more general observations. A basic understanding of the stories is assumed, and spoilers freely discussed. Willa This was the story that got King back to writing short stories, the one that ledContinue reading “Just After Sunset (2008)”

The Dark Man (1969)

My life for you I have stridden the fuming wayof sun-hammered tracks and smashed cinders;I have ridden rail sand burned sternoin the gantry silence of hob jungles: I am a dark man. Stephen King, The Dark Man Fun trivia fact for King fans: when did Randall Flagg first appear? Most fans would point to TheContinue reading “The Dark Man (1969)”

From a Buick 8 (2002)

Look in the tunk. But then, there have always been two sorts of people in the world. Curt was of the sort who believed satisfaction actually did bring felines back from the other side of the great divide. Stephen King, From a Buick 8 Prior to reading this book, this was one I was awareContinue reading “From a Buick 8 (2002)”

Everything’s Eventual (2002) Overview

Inevitable, really. I mean, come on here, ladies and gentlemen, whom can I possibly kid at this late date, except maybe myself? I sold my first story when I was twenty-one and a junior in college. I’m now fifty-four, and have run a lot of language through the 2.2-pound organic computer/word processor I hang myContinue reading “Everything’s Eventual (2002) Overview”

Everything’s Eventual (2002)

Observations and Connections Presented here, story by story, is a quick review of each, any connections to the wider Stephen King mythos and more general observations. A basic understanding of the stories is assumed, and spoilers freely discussed. Autopsy Room Four Though not nearly as grim as Survivor Type, this put me in the sameContinue reading “Everything’s Eventual (2002)”

Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993) Overview

Clear the decks Remember it’s belief we’re talking about here, and belief is the cradle of myth. What about reality you ask? Well, as far as I’m concerned, reality can go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. Stephen King, Nightmares & Dreamscapes‘s introduction With Night Shift, there was a sense of the kindContinue reading “Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993) Overview”

Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)

Observations and Connections Presented here, story by story, is a quick review of each, any connections to the wider Stephen King mythos and more general observations. A basic understanding of the stories is assumed, and spoilers freely discussed. This is the first collection where King spends a substantial amount of time going into the originsContinue reading “Nightmares & Dreamscapes (1993)”

Sleepwalkers (1992)

Sleepwalking into trouble There’s a lot of cats. Well, I can see that, dickhead. Karl Bakker and Diane Delano as Police and Policewoman, Sleepwalkers Director: Mick GarrisWriter: Stephen KingProducer: Michael Grais, Mark Victor, Dimitri Logothetis, Nabeel ZahidStarring: Brian Krause, Mädchen Amick, Alice Krige, Ron Pearlman and Sparks the cat as ClovisReleased: 10th April 1992Trailer AfterContinue reading “Sleepwalkers (1992)”

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